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♀ Diona
What does Diona mean?
Diona as a girls' name. The name Diona means "follower of Dionysius". Diona is a version of Dionne (English, Greek).
OTHER FORMS VIA DIONNE Deiondra, Deon, Deonne, Dion, Diondra, Dione, Dionetta, Dionis
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Daiona, ..
(male) Dine, ..
Diona Zaya (D.Z.), ..
How popular is Diona?
Diona is a rare first name for women. Diona is a unique last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Dione, Dionna and Dionne are the popular related forms of Diona (NOT RANKED). These relations of Diona were at the peak of their popularity during 1970-1979 (MEDIAN #1112), but now, the version Dionne has become less stylish. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Diona is pronounced similarly to Danah, Danay, Dani▲, Dannah, Danny, Dany, Dayana▲, Dayna▼, Deenya, Deionna, Dena▼, Denae, Denay, Denni, Denny, Deona, Dianna▼, Digna, Dinnie, Donnay, Donya, Duayna, Duna, Dwana and Dyana. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aina, Alona, Apona, Ciana, Dafna, Deora, Dian▼, Dianda, Diane▼, Diann▼, Dilla, Dimona, Dimonah, Dora▼, Dorona, Dova, Eilona, Elona, Fina, Fiona▲, Giana, Gina▼, Ginna, Jina, Jona, Keona, Kiana▼, Kiona, Lona▼, Mina, Mona▼, Nina▼, Oona, Qiana, Riona, Shiona, Shona, Siana, Teona, Tiana, Tiona, Tona, Viana, Vina▼, Viona, Wilona, Wina, Yionna, Yona and Zina▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Diona.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]