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♀ Dione
What does Dione mean?
Dione as a name for girls has the meaning "follower of Dionysius". Dione is an alternate spelling of Dionne (English, Greek).
RELATIONS VIA DIONNE Diona, Diondra, Dionetta, Dionis, Dionna
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Deone, ..
(male) Dine, ..
Dione Ramona (D.R.), ..
How popular is Dione?
Dione is a somewhat popular first name for women (#2591 out of 4276, Top 61%) and also a somewhat popular surname for all people (#116835 out of 150436, Top 78%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Dione entered the list in 1960-1969 and reached its highest position of #1235 in the U.S. during 1970-1979, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Dionna and Dionne are the prominent variation forms of Dione rated in the Top 2000. These relations of Dione were favored in the 1970s, but now, the version Dionne has become less stylish.
Similar Names
Dione is alike in pronunciation to Dagne, Dane, Danne, Dawn▼, Dawne, Dayne, Deane, Deann▼, Deanne▼, Deeane, Dene, Dian▼, Diane▼, Diann▼, Dianne▼, Duane, Dwan, Dwayne, Dyan, Dyane, Dyann and Dyanne. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aine, Brione, Dafne, Deona, Diana▼, Digna, Dimona, Dina▼, Dinae, Dinnie, Dinny, Dior▲, Divine, Dixee, Dixie▼, Doe, Dona▼, Dore, Dove, Ebone, Fione, Idone, Ilone, Ione▼, Jone, Kine, Leone▼, Liane, Minne, Mone, Riane, Shone, Signe▼, Simone, Sine, Teone, Tiane, Tine, Wilone and Winne. These names tend to be less frequently used than Dione.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]