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♀ Dodey
What does Dodey mean?
Dodey as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the meaning of Dodey is "well loved". Dodey is an alternate form of Dodie (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Dody, Dodi, Dodee, Doda
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Doti, ..
(male) Dodo, ..
Dodey Luella (D.L.), ..
How popular is Dodey?
Dodey is an uncommon given name for females. Dodey is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only popular varying form of Dodey (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Dodie. Other variants, like Dodee, are seldom used. This relation of Dodey reached the height of its popularity in the 1960s. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Dodey is pronounced similarly to Dada, Dedie, Deedee, Didi and Dido. Other recommended sound-alike names are Addey, Adey, Cadey, Codey, Coley, Cordey, Corey▼, Dacey, Daney, Dede, Deney, Doe, Dolley, Dolly▼, Donny, Dorcey, Dore, Dorea, Doree, Dorey, Doreyn, Dorry, Dorsey, Dory, Dottey (see Dorothy), Dotty, Dove, Doxy, Honey, Jobey, Jodey, Joey, Joley, Jorey, Josey, Judey, Kodey, Korey, Ladey, Lorey, Lovey, Posey, Rosey, Roxey, Sokey, Tobey, Toney, Torey, Zoey▲ and Zooey▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Dodey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]