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♀ Dora
What does Dora mean?
Dora ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced DOR-ah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Dora is "gift". Short form of Dorothy or names like Theodora. Also used as a prefix in blended names. Literary: introduced as an independent name by a character in Charles Dickens's "David Copperfield". Also form of Adora. Also form of Eudora. Also form of Pandora.
VARIANTS Dodee, Dodi, Dodie, Dody, Dorae, Dorah, Doralee, Doraleene, Doralia, Doralice, Doralicia, Doralina, Doralisha, Doralyn, Doralynn, Dore, Dorea, Doree, Doreen▼, Doreina, Dorelia, Dorelle, Dorena, Dorene▼, Doretta, Dorette, Doreyda, Doria, Dorie, Dorina, Dorinda, Dorine, Dorita, Dorlisa, Dorrie, Dory
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA DOROTHY, THEODORA Dasha, Dasya, Doe, Doll, Dolli, Dolly▼, Dori, Dorika, Dorit, Doritha, Doro, Dorota, Dorotea, Dorotha▼, Dorrit, Dortha▼, Dorthea, Dorthy▼, Dosha, Dosya, Dot, Dotty, Fedora, Tea▼, Tedra, Thea▲, Todora
Dora Caroline (D.C.), ..
How popular is Dora?
Dora is a very popular first name for females (#249 out of 4276, Top 6%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#22612 out of 150436, Top 15%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Dora was first listed in 1880-1889 and reached its peak position of #50 in the U.S. then, but is not ranked currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Dora are Thea (#273 A YEAR AGO), Dorothy (#586), Theodora (#1405), Dolly, Dorthea, Doll, Tea, Pandora, Fedora, Eudora, Dotty, Dot, Dosha, Dorthy, Dortha, Dorrie, Dodie, Dorotha, Dorine, Dorinda, Dorie, Dori, Doretta, Dorene, Doreen and Dasha. Other forms, like Dorotea, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Dora was at its highest 98 years ago (AVERAGE #1315) and has become much less since (#1861, ▼96.7%), with versions such as Dortha becoming somewhat outmoded. Dorothy is more universally found than the rest, though Thea is now ranked higher.
Similar Names
Dora▼ is pronounced similarly to Daeira, Daira, Dara▲, Darah, Dari, Daria, Darra, Darrah, Darya, Deora, Derry, Dorey, Dorri, Dorria, Dorry and Doura. Other recommended sound-alike names are Afra, Ara▼, Bara, Bera, Bora, Cora▼, Dama, Dana▼, Darda, Debora▼, Dedra, Deka, Dela, Deva, Devora, Devra, Dila, Dior▲, Dita, Dobra, Doda, Dola, Dona▼, Donya, Doran, Dorcas▼, Doris▼, Dorma, Dorrma (see Dorma), Dorsay, Dova, Drea, Drora, Drorah (see Derora), Dru, Edra, Elora▲, Kara▼, Kora▲, Kyra▼, Liora, Lora▼, Lura▼, Lyra▲, Mera, Mira▲, Moira, Mora, Myra, Nira, Nora▲, Ora▼, Pera, Rora, Sara▼, Tora, Tyra▼, Vera▼ and Zora. These names tend to be less commonly used than Dora.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]