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♀ Dorian (girl)
What does Dorian mean?
Dorian as a girls' name (also used more widely as boys' name Dorian) has its root in Greek, and the meaning of the name Dorian is "maintains possessions well; from Doris; gift". Dorian is an alternate spelling of Daria (Greek, Persian): feminine of Darius. Dorian is also a variant of Doria (Greek). Place name: an area in Greece. Dorian is also used as a form of Doris (Greek).
VARIANTS Dorrian, Dorienne, Dorianne, Doriane, Darrian, Darion, Darienne, Darien, Dariane, Darian▼
OTHER FORMS VIA DARIA, DORIA, DORIS Dari, Darianna, Darice, Darina, Darya, Dhariana, Doree, Dori, Doriana, Dorianna, Dorice, Dorie, Dorisa, Dorita, Dorri, Dorria, Dorrie, Dorris▼, Dorry, Dorrys, Dory, Dorys, Doryse
MASCULINE FORMS Darrien, Davian, Torin
Dorian Gina (D.G.), ..
How popular is Dorian?
Dorian is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#2165 out of 4276, Top 51%) and an even more prominent surname for both adults and children (#23739 out of 150436, Top 16%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Dorian was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its top rank of #1425 in the U.S. in the 1980s, but is not listed currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Dorian listed in the Top 2000 are Daria (#1671 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Doris (#1814), Darian, Darice, Darien, Darion, Darrian, Dori, Dorie, Dorrie and Dorris. Other variants, like Dhariana, are seldom used. These relations of Dorian were popular as birth names in the 1920s (MEDIAN #1702) and are now much less widespread (#1957, DOWN 99%).
Similar Names
Dorian is alike in pronunciation to Dareen, Daron, Daryn, Darynn, Deren, Derhyn, Derine, Deron, Derran, Derrin, Derron, Deryn, Doran, Doreen▼, Dorene▼, Doreyn, Dorine, Dorran, Dorreen and Doryne. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adrian▼, Cerian, Coriann, Corin, Corinn, Damian, Darnae, Dian▼, Docia▼, Donia, Dora▼, Dorae, Dorah, Dorcas▼, Dorea, Doreina (see Dora), Dorena, Dorika, Dorina, Dorit, Doritt, Dorkas, Dorma, Dorona, Dorrma (see Dorma), Dorsay, Dosia, Dowan (see Dawn), Drina, Eirian, Jordan▼, Korin, Loria, Lorian, Loriana, Loriann, Lorin, Marian▼, Mirian, Morgan▼, Moria, Moriah, Tirian, Toria, Toriana and Yordan. These names tend to be less frequently used than Dorian.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]