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♀ Doura
What does Doura mean?
Doura as a name for girls is a Greek name, and Doura means "all gifts". Doura is a variant form of Pandora (Greek).
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Douna, ..
(male) Douar, ..
Doura Andrea (D.A.), ..
How popular is Doura?
Doura is a rare first name for females but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#135837 out of 150436, Top 90%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Doura (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Dora and Pandora. These relations of Doura reached the peak of their popularity 138 years ago (USAGE OF 0.56%), but now, the form Dora has become less in vogue. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Doura is alike in pronunciation to Daeira, Daira, Dara▲, Darah, Dari, Daria, Darra, Darrah, Darya, Deora, Derry, Dorae, Dorah, Dorea, Doree, Dorey, Dori, Doria, Dorie, Doro, Dorri, Dorria, Dorrie, Dorry and Dory. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alura, Aura, Azura, Bora, Cora▼, Debra▼, Dedra, Devra, Dobra, Docia▼, Doda, Dola, Dona▼, Donia, Donna▼, Donya, Doran, Dore, Dorma, Dorran, Dorrma (see Dorma), Dosha, Dosia, Dosya, Douce, Dova, Drora, Duna, Dusa, Kora▲, Laura▼, Lora▼, Lorra, Lowra, Lura▼, Maura, Moira, Mora, Moyra, Noora, Nora▲, Noura, Nura, Rora, Shura, Taura, Tora, Zohra and Zora. These names tend to be more commonly used than Doura.