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♀ Drea
What does Drea mean?
Drea as a name for girls has its root in Greek, and the name Drea means "manly, virile". Drea is a version of Andrea (Greek): from the word "andreia".
RELATIONS VIA ANDREA Dreena, Drena, Ondrea
Drea Camila (D.C.), ..
How popular is Drea?
Drea is an unusual first name for women but a very prominent surname for all people (#68973 out of 150436, Top 46%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent varying form of Drea (UNLISTED) ranked in the Top 2000 is Andrea (#134 LAST YEAR). This form of Drea was favored as a baby name during the years 1980-1989 (ADOPTION OF 0.57%) and has become significantly less popular since (ADOPTION 0.13%, ▼78%), with Andrea falling out of fashion. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Drea is alike in pronunciation to Drew, Dru and Drue. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adrea, Alea, Arlea, Bea, Beea, Brea▼, Breea, Cerea, Clea, Dada, Dael, Daena, Dana▼, Danea, Dara▲, Darda, Darel, Daria, Darra, Darya, Daya, De-, Dea, Deb, Dee▼, Deena▼, Deja▼, Del, Dela, Dena▼, Dereka, Deren, Deva, Dila, Dina▼, Dita, Diza, Doda, Doe, Dola, Dona▼, Dora▼, Dore, Dorea, Doree, Dorey, Doria, Dorma, Dorsea, Dreama, Dreda, Drina, Drora, Duena, Duna, Dusa, Dyna, Gaea, Klea, Larea, Lea▲, Mea, Nea, Orfea, Rea, Rhea▲, Shea, Tea▼, Terea, Thea▲, Trea and Zea. These names tend to be more commonly used than Drea.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]