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♀ Eglantine
What does Eglantine mean?
Eglantine as a girls' name is of Old French and Latin origin, and the meaning of Eglantine is "needle". From Old French aiglent, a derivative of Latin acus, referring to the plant's thorns. Botanical and flower name for the sweetbriar plant.
VARIANT Eglantyne
Eglantine Eloise (E.E.), ..
How popular is Eglantine?
Eglantine is an uncommon first name for females. Eglantine is also a unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Eglantine has not been ranked in the Top 2000 thus far. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alaine, Allaine, Almandine, Amandine, Armantine, Blaine, Blandine, Celandine, Celestine▼, Cellandine, Chastine, Clarine, Claudine▼, Delaine, Earline▼, Edwardine, Egbertina, Egbertine (see Egberta), Elaene, Elain, Elaina▲, Elaine▼, Elaini, Elane, Elanie, Elanit, Elanna, Elayne, Elbertine, Elianne, Eline, Elladine, Ellaine, Ellayne, Elvine, Emaline, Emlynne (see Emily), Emmaline▲, Eolande, Eolantha, Erline, Erminine, Ernaline, Ernestine▼, Eulalie, Eulaylie (see Eulalia), Evaline, Evanne, Evannie, Evanthe, Evanthie, Evline, Fantine, Francine▼, Giannine, Glenine, Hansine, Helaine, Igraine, Jalaine, Janine▼, Jannine, Jeanine▼, Jeannine▼, Jolanne, Julaine, Kalaine, Leontine, Martine, Melaine, Nanine, Selestine, Valentine, Ygraine and Yolanne. These names tend to be more frequently used than Eglantine.