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♀ Einaye
What does Einaye mean?
Einaye as a girls' name is of Arabic origin, and Einaye means "care, protection". Einaye is a version of Inaya (Arabic): name used in the Koran.
ASSOCIATED WITH arabic, protection (defender)
Einaye Molly (E.M.), ..
How popular is Einaye?
Einaye is an uncommon given name for females. Einaye is a unique last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Einaye (NOT RANKED) are Anaya (#424 IN 2018) and Inaya (#1428). Adoption of these forms of Einaye was widespread in 2016 (ADOPTION OF 0.1%) and has remained as conventional to this day (ADOPTION 0.1%, ▼2.8%). Anaya is the continual favorite. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Einaye is pronounced similarly to Aina, Ainah, Anayeh, Eena, Ena, Enaya, Ennya, Enya, Euna, Wina, Winnie▼ and Winny. Other recommended sound-alike names are Billye, Danaye, Dinae, Dinay, Edina, Edna▼, Ednah, Eila, Eilah, Eilat, Eilene, Eiley, Eilise, Eily, Eimile, Eineen, Einin, Eirana, Eirawen, Eire, Eirene, Eirlys, Eiry, Elane, Elayne, Eliane, Elina▲, Elinore, Ellane, Ellayne, Elna▼, Emina, Emmye, Enat, Enfys, Engie, Enyd, Erina, Erinne, Erna▼, Ernice, Esmae, Esmay, Eufane, Eunice▼, Eunike, Evina, Faye▼, Gaye▼, Janaye, Jaye, Jinae, Kaye▼, Libbye, Maye▼, Nickye, Raye, Renaye, Rhianaye, Sandye, Shaye, Tonye and Wendye. These names tend to be more frequently used than Einaye.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]