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♀ Elana
What does Elana mean?
Elana as a girls' name is pronounced ee-LAHN-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Elana is "tree". Also variant of Helen. Also form of Elaine.
VARIANTS Elanah, Elanie, Elanna, Ilana
RELATED FORMS VIA HELEN Alena▲, Alene▼, Aline▼, Alyona, Elaina▲, Elaine▼, Elayne, Eleanor, Elena▲, Eleni, Elenora▼, Elianora, Elinor▼, Ella, Elle▲, Ellee, Ellen▼, Ellie▲, Ellin, Elly, Ellyn, Elnora▼, Galina, Halina, Helaina, Helana, Helena, Ileana, Ilene▼, Ilka, Ilona, Jelena, Lana▲, Lean, Leana, Lena▼, Lina, Yelena
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Elada, ..
(male) Elanan, ..
Elana Lilia (E.L.), ..
How popular is Elana?
Elana is a very prominent first name for females (#1899 out of 4276, Top 44%) but an unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Elana was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its highest rank of #1062 in the U.S. in 1995, and is at #1581 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Alena (#736 FROM RECENT DATA), Alene, Aline, Elaina (#272), Elaine (#634), Elayne, Eleanor (#32), Elena (#66), Eleni (#1726), Elenora, Elinor (#1399), Ella (#15), Elle (#380), Ellen (#770), Ellie (#37), Elly (#1603), Ellyn, Elnora, Helen (#413), Helena (#458), Ilana, Ileana (#1928), Ilene, Ilona, Lana (#360), Leana, Lena (#301) and Lina (#760) are the popular related forms of Elana (#1581). Usage of these forms of Elana reached its most widespread during the years 1910-1919 (AVERAGE #1053) and has become much reduced since (#1154, 64% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Elaine becoming less in vogue. The trendier birth names here are Alena, Elaina, Elena, Elle, Ellie and Lana.
Similar Names
Elana is pronounced similarly to Alana▲, Alanna▲, Alannah▲, Alawna, Alaynna, Alenah, Alianna▲, Aliena, Allina, Alona, Alwyna, Elainna, Elenyi, Eliana▲, Ellina, Elonna, Ileanna, Ilena, Illiana, Iolana, Oleana, Olena, Oliana, Wilona and Yllona. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Brana, Dana▼, Dylana, Eanna, Edana, Edna▼, Elaene, Elain, Elan, Elane, Elanit, Elata, Elen, Elene, Elga, Elia▲, Elian, Eliane, Elika, Elin, Eline, Elkana, Ellan, Ellane, Ellga, Ellma, Ellsa, Elma▼, Elmena, Elmina, Elna▼, Elon, Elsa▼, Eltha, Elva▼, Elvina, Elyn, Elynn, Emina, Erlina, Etana, Evana, Flana, Giana, Juana, Nolana, Qiana, Sana, Tyana and Yoana. These names tend to be less frequently used than Elana.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]