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♀ Eleni
What does Eleni mean?
Eleni as a girls' name is a Greek name, and the name Eleni means "other, foreign; sun ray". Eleni is a variant form of Eleanor (Old French, Old German). Eleni is also a variant of Elena (Greek). Eleni is also used as a form of Ellen (Greek), and a Greek form of Helen (Greek).
VARIANTS Yelena, Ilona, Ileana, Ellina, Ellena, Elina▲, Elenyi, Eleena, Elana, Elaina▲, Alyona, Alona, Alena▲
OTHER FORMS VIA ELEANOR, ELENA, ELLEN, HELEN Ailene, Alene▼, Alenor, Aline▼, Eileen▼, El, Elaine▼, Elan, Elanor, Elayne, Elen, Elene, Elenita, Elenor, Elenora▼, Elenore, Eleonor, Elin, Elinor▼, Ella, Ellan, Elle▲, Ellee, Elleen, Ellene, Ellenor, Elli, Ellie▲, Ellin, Ellon, Elly, Ellyn, Elna▼, Elon, Elora▲, Elyn, Elynn, Helena, Helene▼, Ilene▼, Ili, Jelena, Lena▼, Leni
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Elei, ..
(male) Eles, ..
Eleni Ida (E.I.), ..
How popular is Eleni?
Eleni is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#2618 out of 4276, Top 61%) but an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Eleni was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its peak position of #1007 in the U.S. in the year 1993, and is presently at #1726. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Ailene, Alena (#736 IN 2018), Alene, Aline, Alona, Eileen (#671), Elaina (#272), Elaine (#634), Elana (#1581), Elayne, Eleanor (#32), Elena (#66), Elene, Elenor, Elenora, Elenore, Elin (#1186), Elina (#998), Elinor (#1399), Ella (#15), Elle (#380), Ellen (#770), Ellena, Ellene, Elli, Ellie (#37), Elly (#1603), Ellyn, Elna, Elora (#724), Helen (#413), Helena (#458), Helene, Ileana (#1928), Ilene, Ilona and Lena (#301) are the prominent related forms of Eleni (#1726). Other forms, like Ili, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Eleni reached its most widespread in the 1910s (ADOPTION OF 5.11%) and is now significantly diminished (ADOPTION 1.8%, 64.8% LESS), with versions such as Aline becoming less fashionable. The most trendy birth names in this list are Alena, Elaina, Elena, Elina, Elle, Ellie and Elora.
Similar Names
Eleni is pronounced similarly to Ailani▲, Alani▲, Aleena▲, Alenah, Allena, Alonia, Alyna, Eilena, Eilona, Elaini, Elainia, Elanie, Elanna, Elayna▲, Eleana, Eliana▲, Elona, Elonna, Ilania, Ilena, Iolani, Olena, Olina, Ulani and Yalena. Other recommended sound-alike names are Deni, Eboni▼, Eden▲, Edenia, Eena, Eilene, Elaene, Elane, Elanit, Eleen, Eleri, Eli, Elidi, Eline, Ellsi, Elmena, Elvena, Elvene, Elvenia, Elvi, Emeli, Erena, Erene, Erlene, Ethni, Evani, Glesni, Jeni, Keni and Xeni. These names tend to be less commonly used than Eleni.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]