Home > Elfrida


What does Elfrida mean?

Elfrida Pronunciation of Elfrida as a girls' name is pronounced el-FREE-dah. It is of Latin and Old English origin, and the meaning of Elfrida is "elf, magical being strength". 19th-century revival of the female personal name Ælfpryd. May also have been influenced by the Old English name Ædelpryd (see Audrey). It was a common noble name in Anglo-Saxon England, borne by a daughter of King Alfred and the mother of Ethelred the Unready. There was an eigth-century hermit saint known as Saint Alfrida. See also Alfreda.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, elf, magical, strength, 19th century, old, noble, england, king (queen), saint


VARIANTS Alfreda, Alfrida, Alfrieda, Elfie, Elfre, Elfreda, Elfredah, Elfredda, Elfrida, Elfrieda, Elfriede, Elfryda, Elfrydah, Ellfreda, Elva, Elvah, Freda, Freddi, Freddy, Freeda, Frida, Frieda, Friedah, Friede, Fryda

RELATED FORMS VIA ALFREDA, AUDREY Alfredah, Alfredda, Alfredia, Alfreeda, Alfri, Alfried, Alfryda, Allfreda, Allfrieda, Allfryda, Elfrea, Elfreeda, Ellfredah, Ellfredda, Ellfreeda, Ellfrida, Ellfrieda, Ellfryda, Ellfrydah



Elfrida Makenna (E.M.), ..

How popular is Elfrida?

Elfrida is an uncommonly occurring given name for females. Elfrida is also an uncommon surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Elfrida (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Alfreda, Alfredia, Alfrieda, Audrey (#46 LAST YEAR), Elfie, Elfreda, Elfrieda, Elva, Freda, Freeda, Frida (#694) and Frieda. Adoption of these forms of Elfrida was well-received during 1920-1929 (USAGE OF 0.5%) and is somewhat lower today (USAGE 0.3%, 41%), with versions such as Elva becoming less in vogue. Audrey is more widely used than the rest, although Frida appears to be becoming a favorite too. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alfreda, Alfredia, Alfrieda, Audrey, Elfie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Elfreda, Elfrieda, Elva, Freda, Freeda in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Frida, Frieda in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Audrey, Frida outside U.S.

Similar Names

Elfrida is alike in pronunciation to Wilfreda, Wilfridda and Wilfrieda. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alaida, Alida, Allida, Allmida (see Almeda), Cherida, Clarinda, Clorinda, Efrata, Egeria, Ejeria, Eladia, Elaina, Elda, Eldorada (see Eldora), Eldoria (see Eldora), Eleisa, Elenita, Eleri, Elgiva, Elia, Elicia, Elida, Elidi, Elidia, Eligia, Elika, Elina, Elinda, Elisa, Elisia, Elita, Eliza, Ellia, Ellina, Ellita, Elliza, Ellvira, Elmeria, Elmina, Elmira, Elodia, Eloisa, Elouisa, Elpida, Elrica, Elvia, Elvina, Elvira, Elwira, Elysia, Elzina, Eneida, Enrica, Enrika, Erda, Erica, Erika, Erina, Estrid, Everilda, Eyrica (see Erica), Florida, Florinda, Halfrida, Irida, Karida, Nerida, Olida, Placida, Plasida, Querida and Sigfrida. These names tend to be more commonly used than Elfrida.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
