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♀ Eliana
What does Eliana mean?
Eliana ▲ as a girls' name (also used less commonly as boys' name Eliana) is pronounced el-ee-AH-nah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Eliana is "my God has answered". Also the Spanish and Italian form of the Roman family name Aeliana. This may have come from the Greek word for the sun, helios, and the name may thus mean "daughter of the sun". See also Liana.
VARIANTS Eleana, Elia▲, Elian, Eliane, Elianna▲, Elianne, Eliette, Elice, Eline, Elliana▲, Elyana, Elyette, Ileana, Lina
RELATIONS VIA LIANA Leana, Leiana, Liahna, Liane, Liann, Lianna▲
Eliana Ainsley (E.A.), ..
How popular is Eliana?
Eliana is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#2725 out of 4276, Top 64%) but an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Eliana entered the list in 1980-1989 and reached its highest position of #83 in the U.S. in 2018. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Aliana (#772 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Elia (#1124), Elianna (#494), Elliana (#187), Elyana (#1604), Ileana (#1928), Leana, Liana (#486), Liane, Lianna (#1102) and Lina (#760) are the prominent varying forms of Eliana (#83). Other forms, like Leiana, are uncommon. These forms of Eliana are at the peak of their popularity presently (AVERAGE #1045). The most trendy birth names here are Aliana, Elia, Eliana, Elianna, Elliana, Liana and Lianna.
Similar Names
Eliana▲ is pronounced similarly to Alana▲, Alani▲, Alayna▲, Aleena▲, Alena▲, Alina▲, Allana, Allyna, Alonna, Eilena, Elaina▲, Elanna, Elayna▲, Eleni, Ellona, Ewelina, Ilena, Iliana▲, Ilianna, Illeana, Illiana, Illianna, Illona, Ilona and Ilonna. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aldana, Briana▼, Cliara, Cliona, Diana▼, Edina, Egina, Eilean, Eirana, Eitna, Elaene, Elain, Elaine▼, Elayne, Eleen, Elene, Elianora, Elicia, Elinda, Elisa▲, Elisia, Elita, Elitta, Elkana, Ellaine, Ellamae, Ellamay, Ellayne, Ellen▼, Ellene, Ellon, Elviana, Elyn, Emiliana▲, Emina, Evana, Evina, Gaiana, Giana, Gleana, Iliane, Iriana, Jiana, Juliana▲, Keiana, Kiana▼, Liliana▲, Qiana, Rhiana and Riana. These names tend to be less commonly used than Eliana.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]