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♀ Elinore
What does Elinore mean?
Elinore as a girls' name means "other, foreign". Elinore is a version of Eleanor (Old French, Old German).
VARIANTS Ellinore, Ellinor, Elliner, Elleonor, Ellenore, Ellenor, Elleanor, Elinor▼, Elienore, Elianore, Eleonore, Eleonor, Elenore, Elenor, Eleanore▼, Elanor, Eileanoir, Allinor, Aleonore, Alenor, Aleanor
RELATIONS VIA ELEANOR Aline▼, Elaine▼, Eleanora▲, Elenora▼, Eleonora, Elianora, Elienora, Ellenora, Elnora▼, Elora▲, Enora, Lenore▼, Leonore
Elinore Melia (E.M.), ..
How popular is Elinore?
Elinore is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#3388 out of 4276, Top 79%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Elinore reached its highest position of #786 in the U.S. during 1910-1919, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Aline, Elaine (#634 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Eleanor (#32), Eleanora (#1035), Eleanore (#1918), Elenor, Elenora, Elenore, Eleonora, Eleonore, Elinor (#1399), Ellinor, Elnora, Elora (#724), Lenore and Leonore are the prominent varying forms of Elinore. Usage of these forms of Elinore was at its most widespread during 1920-1929 (AVERAGE #856) and is now much reduced (#1631, 64.2% LESS USAGE), with forms like Eleanore becoming less trendy. Eleanor is the steady favorite, though Eleanora has grown trendy as well over time.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Einaye, Eire, Elane, Elanie, Eldora▼, Eldoree, Elene, Eleora, Elfre, Eliane, Elianne, Elice, Eliese, Eliesse, Eliette, Elin, Elina▲, Elinda, Eline, Elined, Eliora, Eliorah, Elise▲, Elisee, Elisse, Elize, Elleora, Elliora, Elvine, Elvire, Erinne, Erline, Eudore, Evline, Fiore, Flore, Gwenore, Helenore and Leanore. These names tend to be less frequently used than Elinore.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]