Home > Elita


What does Elita mean?

Elita Pronunciation of Elita as a girls' name is pronounced ee-LEE-tah. It is of French and Latin origin, and the meaning of Elita is "elite". Modern coinage from the word élite, which came in the 18th century from French élire meaning "to choose" (Latin ęligere). It thus has the same root as Eligius. Elita can also be a pet form of Spanish names like Carmelita and Angelita. Also form of Alida.


ASSOCIATED WITH modern, 18th century


VARIANTS Elitta, Ellita, Lita

(female) Elta, ..

(male) Elied, ..

Elita Brielle (E.B.), ..

How popular is Elita?

Elita is a rare first name for women. Elita is a rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Alida, Angelita, Carmelita and Lita are the popular alternative forms of Elita (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. These relations of Elita reached the peak of their popularity in the 1930s (ADOPTION OF 0.03%), but now, versions like Angelita have become less trendy. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alida, Angelita, Carmelita, Lita in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Elita and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Elita is alike in pronunciation to Aleta, Aletea, Aletta, Alita, Elata, Eletta, Elletta, Oleta and Oletta. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alista, Alta, Amita, Anita, Belita, Edira, Edita, Editha, Egina, Eila, Eilith, Eira, Ela, Elana, Elda, Eleisa, Elenita, Elga, Eli, Elia, Eliana, Elice, Elida, Elidi, Elidia, Elika, Elina, Eliora, Elisa, Elisah, Elisia, Elithia, Eliza, Elizah, Elize, Ella, Ellga, Ellina, Elliza, Elma, Elmina, Elna, Elrica, Elsha, Elssa, Eltha, Elvia, Elvina, Elwira, Elyza, Emelita, Emila, Emina, Erina, Esta, Evia, Evita, Ghita, Gita, Julita, Lulita, Malita, Reita, Unita, Vita and Zlata. These names tend to be more frequently used than Elita.
