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♀ Ellette
What does Ellette mean?
Ellette as a girls' name is a Greek and Old German name, and the meaning of Ellette is "footloose; other, foreign; sun ray". Ellette is a version of Aleta (Greek): also variation of Alethea. Ellette is also a variant of Ella (Old German). Ellette is also used as a variant of Helen (Greek).
RELATIONS VIA ALETA, ELLA, HELEN Aletta, Alletta, Eletta, Elle▲, Ellee, Ellen▼, Ellesse, Elletta, Ellie▲, Nellette
Ellette Murphy (E.M.), ..
How popular is Ellette?
Ellette is an uncommon first name for women. Ellette is a rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Ellette (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Aleta, Aletta, Ella (#15 FROM RECENT DATA), Elle (#380), Ellen (#770), Ellie (#37) and Helen (#413). Usage of these forms of Ellette was well-received during the years 1910-1919 (ADOPTION OF 3.6%) and is now much diminished (ADOPTION 0.9%, DOWN 75.2%). Ella is more ubiquitous than the rest, though Elle has become popular as well over time, while forms such as Helen have become less popular. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Ellette is alike in pronunciation to Allouette, Alouette, Alowette, Eliette, Elyette, Olette, Willette and Yolette. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arlette▲, Bellette, Cloette, Colette▲, Collette, Earlette, Eevette (see Evette), Elethea, Elitta, Ellene, Elleree, Ellita, Emmette, Erletta, Erlette, Ervette, Evette, Eyvette, Gilette, Halette, Jolette▼, Julette, Kolette, Rillette, Sallette and Villette. These names tend to be more frequently used than Ellette.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]