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♀ Elli
What does Elli mean?
Elli as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Elli) is of Old Norse origin, and the meaning of Elli is "old age". Norse mythology: an old woman with this name defeats Thor in a wrestling match, which according to Loki, was because she was Old Age in disguise, and old age is victorious over all. Also form of Ailbhe. Also form of Alice. Also form of Eleanor. Also form of Ella.
ASSOCIATED WITH norse, old, mythology, victorious
MASCULINE FORMS Ellsworth, Elsdon, Elston
Elli Rosalina (E.R.), ..
How popular is Elli?
Elli is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#4249 out of 4276, Top 99%) and also a somewhat prominent last name for both adults and children (#80216 out of 150436, Top 53%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Elli entered the list in 2002 and reached its top rank of #1728 in the U.S. in the year 2014, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Ella (#15 A YEAR AGO), Eleanor (#32), Alice (#71) and Ailbhe are the popular varying forms of Elli ranked in the Top 2000. These forms of Elli were popular as birth names a century ago (AVERAGE #829) and are now much less conventional (#823, ▼59.3%), with the form Alice becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Elli is alike in pronunciation to Ailie, Aillie, Alaia▲, Alia▲, Alliah, Ayla▲, Eila, Eilah, Eily, Ela, Eli, Ellee, Ellia, Ellie▲, Elly, Eulia, Ili, Illia, Olla, Ulla, Wally, Yolie, Yollie, Yula and Yulia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Calli, Celli, Cili, Delli, Dilli, Eddi, Edi, Eilin, Eilis, El, Elain, Elan, Elen, Eleni, Eleri, Elga, Elidi, Elis, Elka, Elkie, Ellan, Elle▲, Ellice, Ellin, Ellina, Ellis▲, Ellita, Ellsi, Ellyn, Els, Elsie▼, Elva▼, Elvi, Elvia, Elvis, Elvy, Emili, Etti, Holli▼, Juli▼, Kelli▼, Lili, Molli, Nelli, Poli, Polli, Salli, Tali, Tilli and Valli. These names tend to be less frequently used than Elli.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]