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♀ Elma
What does Elma mean?
Elma ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced EL-mah. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Elma is "determined protector". Short form of Wilhelmina, and of names ending in -elma such as Fidelma and Anselma. It may also be a blend of Elizabeth and Mary, a feminine form of Elmer, or a variant of Alma.
ASSOCIATED WITH determined, protector (defender), blend
RELATIONS VIA ALMA, ANSELMA, ELIZABETH, FIDELMA, MARY, WILHELMINA Allma, Almah, Bella▲, Beta, Billa, Eilis, Eleisa, Elisa▲, Elisah, Elise▲, Elissa, Eliz, Eliza, Elize, Elle▲, Ellie▲, Elliza, Ellsa, Ellse, Ellsi, Ellyza, Els, Elsa▼, Else, Elsee, Elsie▼, Elsy, Elyse▲, Elyssa▼, Elyza, Elyzza, Helma, Helsa, Ilsa, Ilse, Lisa▼, Liza▼, Lusa, Lysa, Lyza, Malia▲, Mame▼, Mara▲, Mimi, Mina, Moya, Selma▼, Valma, Velma▼, Veta, Vilma, Willa▲, Wilma▼, Wilna, Wylma, Zelma▼
Elma Amilia (E.A.), ..
How popular is Elma?
Elma is a very prominent first name for women (#669 out of 4276, Top 16%) and a slightly less prominent last name for all people (#114852 out of 150436, Top 76%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Elma reached its highest rank of #228 in the U.S. in the 1900s, but is not in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Elizabeth (#13 VIA LATEST LIST), Ellie (#37), Bella (#48), Mary (#126), Eliza (#131), Elise (#176), Malia (#254), Elsie (#280), Elle (#380), Willa (#384), Elisa (#457), Mina (#625), Alma (#645), Mara (#681), Elyse (#692), Elsa (#888), Lisa (#891), Elissa (#1261), Liza (#1662), Wilhelmina (#1670), Ilse, Veta, Wylma, Wilna, Wilma, Vilma, Selma, Velma, Helma, Mimi, Elmer, Else, Mame, Elyssa and Zelma are the popular related forms of Elma. These forms of Elma were at the apex of their popularity during the years 1880-1889 (MEDIAN #978) and have become significantly less common since (#1202, ▼81.8%), with forms such as Elyssa becoming somewhat outmoded. The most trendy girl names in this compilation are Ellie, Willa, Bella, Malia, Elle, Mara, Elisa, Elyse and Elise.
Similar Names
Elma▼ is pronounced similarly to Willma. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Edma, Ela, Elan, Elana, Elba, Elda▼, Elen, Elena▲, Elga, Elia▲, Elian, Elin, Elina▲, Elka, Ella, Ellan, Elna▼, Elon, Elona, Elva▼, Elyn, Elza, Ema, Emma, Erma▼ and Esma. These names tend to be less frequently used than Elma.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]