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♀ Elona
What does Elona mean?
Elona as a girls' name is of Hebrew origin, and the name Elona means "oak tree; sun ray". Elona is an alternate form of Alona (Hebrew). Elona is also a derivative of Ilona (Hungarian, Greek): variation of Helen.
VARIANTS Yllona, Ilonna, Elonna, Ellona, Alonia
RELATIONS VIA ALONA, ILONA Allona, Allonia, Illona, Ilone, Ilonka, Yionna
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Eloda, ..
(male) Eloein, ..
Elona Margo (E.M.), ..
How popular is Elona?
Elona is a rare given name for women. Elona is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Elona (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Alona and Ilona. Other variants, like Ilonka, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Elona reached its highest during 1940-1949 (AVERAGE #1362). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Elona is pronounced similarly to Alana▲, Alani▲, Alanna▲, Alayna▲, Aleena▲, Aliana▲, Alina▲, Allena, Alonna, Alyona, Eilona, Elaina▲, Elainia, Elanna, Eleanna, Eleena, Eliana▲, Elianna▲, Ellena, Ewelina, Iliana▲, Olena, Oliana, Olina and Olinia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Apona, Arona, Cliona, Dona▼, Ebony▼, Edana, Edina, Edyna, Eionia, Eitna, Ela, Elan, Elane, Elda▼, Eldora▼, Elen, Elene, Eleora, Elika, Elin, Eline, Elka, Ellma, Ellon, Elma▼, Elmena, Elna▼, Elodia, Elon, Elora▲, Elsha, Elssa, Elvena, Elvia, Elyn, Elynn, Elysa, Elyza, Elzina, Ena, Erna▼, Ethna, Etna, Evon, Leona▼, Mona▼, Riona, Teona, Tiona and Viona. These names tend to be more frequently used than Elona.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]