Home > Elspie


What does Elspie mean?

Elspie Pronunciation of Elspie as a girls' name has its root in Hebrew, and Elspie means "God is my oath". Elspie is an alternate spelling of Elizabeth (Hebrew). Elspie is also a derivative of Elspeth (Scottish, Hebrew). See also Elsie




OTHER FORMS VIA ELIZABETH, ELSPETH Bessie, Elise, Eliz, Elize, Elle, Ellie, Ellse, Ellsee, Ellsi, Ellspet, Ellyse, Els, Elsa, Elsbet, Else, Elsee, Elsie, Elspet, Elsy, Elyse, Ilse, Lissie, Lyssie



Elspie Emely (E.E.), ..

How popular is Elspie?

Elspie is a rare given name for females. Elspie is a unique surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent related forms of Elspie (NOT RANKED) are Bessie, Elise (#176 FROM RECENT DATA), Elizabeth (#13), Elle (#380), Ellie (#37), Elsa (#888), Else, Elsie (#280), Elyse (#692), Ilse and Lissie. Other forms, like Elspet, are uncommon. These relations of Elspie were at the peak of their popularity in the 1880s (USAGE OF 3.68%) and have become much less popular since (USAGE 1.07%, 71% LESS). Elizabeth is the steady favorite, though Elise has become popular as well over time, while versions like Bessie are no longer trendy. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Bessie, Elise, Elizabeth, Elle, Ellie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Elsa, Else, Elsie, Elyse, Ilse, Lissie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Elise, Elizabeth, Elle, Ellie, Elsa outside U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Elsie, Ilse outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Alexie, Allfie, Allie, Cissie, Clarie, Clytie, Dasie, Eddie, Effie, Eistir, Eladia, Elaene, Elanie, Elanit, Elayne, Elbe, Eleese, Elene, Eleni, Elfie, Elfre, Eli, Eliane, Elidi, Eligia, Elin, Eline, Elis, Elisee, Elisse, Elissia, Elke, Elkie, Ellee, Elli, Ellis, Ellke, Elodia, Elodie, Eloise, Elpida, Elsha, Elshe, Elvia, Elvie, Elvine, Elvire, Elyce, Elysia, Elysse, Emalie, Emelie, Engie, Ephie, Eppie, Esmae, Esmie, Essie, Estee, Ettie, Ezzie, Gussie, Ilsaie, Issie, Jessie, Lassie, Missie, Mistie, Nessie, Ollie, Peppie, Pippie, Rosie, Tessie and Tippie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Elspie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
