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♀ Elysia
What does Elysia mean?
Elysia as a girls' name is of Latin origin. From Elysium, which in mythology is the home of the blessed, known as the "Elysian fields". The name Elysia also means "God's oath" in Hebrew. Modern use is probably due to its similarity to the familiar Elise and Alicia. Also form of Elissa.
VARIANTS Aleeysia, Eleese, Eliese, Elise▲, Elisia, Elyse▲, Ileesia, Ilise, Ilysa, Ilysia, Ilyse
RELATIONS VIA ALICIA, ELISE Alecia▼, Alesha▼, Aleshia, Alesia▼, Alisa▼, Alisha▼, Alishia, Alisia, Alissa▼, Allysa, Alycia▼, Alysa▼, Alysha▼, Alysia▼, Alyssa▼, Alyssia▼, Elicia, Elisa▲, Elisee, Elisha, Elissa, Elisse, Ellissa, Ellyse, Elyce, Elysa, Elyssa▼, Lesia▼
Elysia Charli (E.C.), ..
How popular is Elysia?
Elysia is a rare given name for women. Elysia is an equally unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Elysia entered the list in 1980-1989 and reached its highest position of #1292 in the U.S. in 2002, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Alecia, Alesha, Aleshia, Alesia, Alicia (#391 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Alisa (#1032), Alisha (#957), Alishia, Alisia, Alissa (#1182), Allysa, Alycia, Alysa, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssa (#150), Alyssia, Elicia, Elisa (#457), Elise (#176), Elisha (#1388), Elissa (#1261), Elyse (#692), Elyssa and Lesia are the popular variation forms of Elysia. Adoption of these relations of Elysia reached its most widespread 28 years ago (AVERAGE #839) and is now significantly lower (#1526, DOWN 73.7%), with versions such as Elyssa becoming less trendy. Alicia has been the most popular choice, though Elise has grown trendy as well over time.
Similar Names
Elysia is pronounced similarly to Alaysia▲, Allysia, Aloisia, Aloysia, Eligia, Eloisia and Eloysia. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alycia▼, Alysa▼, Alysha▼, Alysia▼, Alyssa▼, Alyssia▼, Alyvia, Anysia, Blasia, Blaysia (see Blasia), Delysia, Eladia, Eleasha, Eleisa, Eleisha, Elesha, Elga, Elia▲, Elicia, Elidia, Elis, Elisa▲, Elisah, Elisee, Elish, Elisha, Elissa, Elisse, Elissia, Eliz, Eliza, Elka, Ellga, Ellia, Ellis▲, Elliza, Ellsa, Ellse, Ellsee, Ellsey, Ellsi, Ellyse, Ellyssa, Ellyza, Elodia, Elois, Eloisa, Elouisa, Eloyse, Els, Elsee, Elsha, Elshe, Elsie▼, Elsy, Elvia, Elyana, Elyce, Elysa, Elyssa▼, Elysse, Elyssia, Elyza, Elyzza, Elza, Ilyssa, Krysia and Ulyssa. These names tend to be more frequently used than Elysia.