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♀ Emmi
What does Emmi mean?
Emmi as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the name Emmi means "rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal". Emmi is a variant form of Emily (Latin): feminine of Emil. Emmi is also a derivative of Emma (Old French, Old German).
VARIANTS Ima▼, Emmye, Emmy▲, Emmie▲, Emmey, Ema, Amy▼
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA EMILY, EMMA Aimil, Eimile, Em, Emali, Emalia, Emalie, Emeli, Emelia▲, Emelie, Emely, Emera, Emila, Emili, Emilia▲, Emilie▼, Emlyn, Emmalie, Emme, Emmelie, Emmely, Emmet, Emmett, Emmilee, Emmilie, Emmily, Emmlee, Emmot, Emmott, Emyle
Emmi Charlie (E.C.), ..
How popular is Emmi?
Emmi is an uncommonly occurring given name for females but a very prominent surname for all people (#49249 out of 150436, Top 33%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Emmi was first listed in 2016 and reached its top position of #1659 in the U.S. in the year 2018. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Emmi (#1659 A YEAR AGO) appearing in the Top 2000 are Amy (#205), Ema (#1677), Emelia (#477), Emelie, Emely (#485), Emili, Emilia (#58), Emilie (#1027), Emily (#12), Emma (#1), Emme (#1745), Emmie (#598), Emmy (#539) and Ima. Other forms, like Aimil, are uncommon. These forms of Emmi were favored by parents 2 decades ago (MEDIAN #1146) and are almost as popular today (#965, ▼28.1%). Emily is the longstanding favorite, though Emelia has grown popular as well over time, while versions like Amy have become less popular.
Similar Names
Emmi is alike in pronunciation to Aimie, Aimy, Ama, Amaia▲, Amee, Amey, Ami▼, Amia▲, Amie▼, Amma, Ammie, Amya▼, Amye, Aymi, Oma▼, Ooma, Uma and Yuma. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cami, Cammi, Demi▲, Eddi, Edi, Edma, Edme, Effi, Eli, Elli, Elma▼, Elvi, Eman, Emer, Erma▼, Ermin (see Ermine), Esma, Esme▲, Esmie, Etti, Jami▼, Kami▼, Kammi, Kimi, Mimi, Remi▲, Romi, Sami, Sammi, Tami▼, Tammi▼, Timmi and Tommi. These names tend to be more commonly used than Emmi.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]