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What does Emmye mean?

Emmye Pronunciation of Emmye as a name for girls is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of the name Emmye is "rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal". Emmye is a variant form of Emily (Latin): feminine of Emil. Emmye is also a variant of Emma (Old French, Old German).



VARIANTS Ima, Emmy, Emmie, Emmi, Emmey, Ema, Amy

OTHER FORMS VIA EMILY, EMMA Eimile, Em, Emalee, Emali, Emalie, Emelea, Emeli, Emelie, Emely, Emelyn, Emelyne, Emera, Emila, Emilea, Emilee, Emiley, Emili, Emilie, Emille, Emlyn, Emlynn, Emlynne, Emmalee, Emmalie, Emmalyn, Emme, Emmelee, Emmelie, Emmely, Emmelyn, Emmelyne, Emmet, Emmett, Emmette, Emmilee, Emmilie, Emmily, Emmlee, Emmot, Emmott, Emmylou, Emyle, Emylee

(female) Elmye, ..


Emmye Addilyn (E.A.), ..

How popular is Emmye?

Emmye is an unusual first name for women. Emmye is also an unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Emma (#1 VIA LATEST LIST), Emily (#12), Amy (#205), Emely (#485), Emmalyn (#508), Emmy (#539), Emmie (#598), Emilee (#780), Emilie (#1027), Emmalee (#1299), Emmi (#1659), Ema (#1677), Emme (#1745), Emelyn (#1988), Emelie, Emili, Emalee and Ima are the popular varying forms of Emmye (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Other forms, like Emmelee, are uncommon. These relations of Emmye reached the height of their popularity 15 years ago (ADOPTION OF 3%) and are somewhat less widespread today (ADOPTION 1.9%, 36% LESS). Emily has generally been preferred by parents, though Emma is now the top form, while versions such as Ima have lost favor. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Amy, Ema, Emalee, Emelie, Emely in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Emelyn, Emilee, Emili, Emilie, Emily in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Emma, Emmalee, Emmalyn, Emme, Emmi in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Emmie, Emmy, Ima in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Amy, Emelie, Emily, Emma, Emmy outside U.S.

Similar Names

Emmye is pronounced similarly to Aimee, Aimie, Aimy, Amaya, Amee, Amey, Amie, Amiee, Amiya, Amma, Ammie, Amya, Amye and Aymee. Other recommended sound-alike names are Edme, Edmee, Emmysue, Ermyne (see Armina), Esmae, Esme, Esmee, Esmie and Tommye. These names tend to be more commonly used than Emmye.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
