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♀ Ethelin
What does Ethelin mean?
Ethelin as a girls' name is an Old English name, and Ethelin means "noble". Ethelin is an alternate form of Ethel (Old English).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, noble
VARIANTS Ethelynne, Ethelyn▼, Etheline, Ethelene, Etheleen
OTHER FORMS VIA ETHEL Etel, Etelka, Ethelda, Ethelinda, Ethill, Ethille, Ethlin, Ethlyn, Ethlynn, Ethyl▼, Ethyll
Ethelin Aniya (E.A.), ..
How popular is Ethelin?
Ethelin is an uncommon first name for females. Ethelin is also a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Ethel, Ethelda, Etheleen, Ethelene, Ethelyn, Ethlyn and Ethyl are the popular related forms of Ethelin (NOT RANKED). Other variants, like Ethyll, are seldom used. These relations of Ethelin were popular during 1890-1899 (USAGE OF 1.44%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Ashlin, Athelina, Caelin, Cathelin, Catherin, Cayelin, Eaglin, Edelie, Edeline, Edlin, Efthemia, Egelina, Eibhilin, Eibhlin, Eilin, Elin, Ellin, Emelen, Emeli, Emelia▲, Emelie, Emelina, Emeline, Emelyn, Emmelie, Emmeline▲, Emmelyn, Emylin, Erthel (see Eartha), Etain, Ethelenda, Ethelind, Ethelinde, Ethenia, Ethlinda, Ethni, Etholinda (see Ethelinda), Ethylind, Evalin, Evelia, Evelin▼, Evelina▲, Eveline, Evelyn, Evlin, Ewelina, Jocelin, Joelin, Kaelin▼, Katelin▼, Katherin, Kathlin, Kayelin, Keelin, Pamelin, Roselin and Rozelin. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ethelin.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]