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♀ Euron
What does Euron mean?
Euron as a girls' name is pronounced IRE-on. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Euron is "golden". From eur meaning "gold". In Welsh tradition Euron was a beautiful enchantress. The poet Llywelyn ap Moel wrote his love poetry to a girl of this name in the 15th century.
VARIANTS Auron, Euriona, Euryl, Eurys
SEE ALSO Euronwy
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Eiron, ..
(male) Eugin, ..
Euron Alex (E.A.), ..
How popular is Euron?
Euron is an unusual first name for women. Euron is an equally unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Euron has not been recorded in the list thus far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Euron is pronounced similarly to Aeran, Aerin, Aeron, Airin, Aren, Arin, Aryn, Aurene, Eireen, Eiren, Eirene, Eirian, Eirin, Eirinn, Eirwen, Eiryn, Eirynn, Erene, Erin▼, Erinn, Eryn, Erynn, Eurwen, Eurwyn and Iren. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Caron, Daron, Deron, Ellon, Elon, Eurfron, Eurfyn (see Eurfron), Evon, Karon▼, Suzon and Veron. These names tend to be more commonly used than Euron.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]