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What does Evie mean?
Evie ▲ as a girls' name. Pet form of Eve, Eva and Evelyn. Also form of Evangeline.
OTHER FORMS VIA EVA, EVE, EVELYN Aoife, Ava▲, Eba, Ebba, Eeva, Efa, Effie▼, Eubh, Eva▼, Evah, Evalin, Evaline, Evani, Eve▲, Evelia, Evelin▼, Eveline, Evette, Evey, Evia, Evilyn, Evina, Evita, Evleen, Evlin, Evline, Evlyn, Evonne, Evvie, Evvy, Evy, Ewa
Evie Janessa (E.J.), ..
How popular is Evie?
Evie is a very popular first name for females (#1559 out of 4276, Top 36%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Evie reached its peak rank of #322 in the U.S. in the year 2018. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Evie (#322 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) listed in the Top 2000 are Ava (#3), Evelyn (#10), Eva (#75), Evangeline (#277), Eve (#442), Aoife (#1776), Evlyn, Evita, Evia, Evette, Evelin, Eveline, Evaline, Evah, Effie, Ebba and Evonne. Other forms, like Evvie, are uncommon. These relations of Evie were popular as baby names in the year 2017 (AVERAGE #1387) and have remained as popular to this day (#1383, 3% LESS USAGE), but with versions such as Evelin becoming somewhat dated. Ava, Evie, Evangeline and Eve are four of the more contemporarily stylish baby names in this compilation.
Similar Names
Evie▲ is alike in pronunciation to Ava▲, Avah▲, Avia, Aviah, Avie, Eeva, Evah, Evey, Evia, Evvie, Evvy, Evy, Iva▼, Ivee, Ivey, Ivie and Ivy▲. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adie, Agie, Alie, Amie▼, Arie, Avrie, Brie, Ebbe, Eddie▼, Ede, Edie, Edin, Edvig, Edvige, Effie▼, Eir, Elbe, Elfie, Eli, Elia▲, Elice, Elin, Eline, Elise▲, Elize, Elkie, Elle▲, Ellie▲, Else, Elsie▼, Elvi, Elvie, Elvire, Elvis, Emme, Emmie▲, Engie, Enid▼, Ephie, Eppie, Eris, Esme▲, Esmie, Essie▼, Evan, Evina, Evita, Evlin, Evline, Evon, Eyde, Eydie, Ezzie, Livie, Rie, Skie, Tavie and Zoie. These names tend to be less commonly used than Evie.