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♀ Faline
What does Faline mean?
Faline as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Faline is "like a cat". Variant spelling of the word "feline"; also means "in charge" in Irish. The name of Bambi's girlfriend in the Disney cartoon. Also form of Fallon.
ASSOCIATED WITH irish (gaelic)
VARIANTS Faeleen, Fayline, Felina, Feyline
Faline Lia (F.L.), ..
How popular is Faline?
Faline is an uncommon first name for women. Faline is also a unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Fallon (#1066 IN 2018) is the only prominent related form of Faline (NOT RANKED). Adoption of this form of Faline was widespread among parents in the 1980s (#581) and is somewhat less today (#1066, ▼28.9%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Faline is pronounced similarly to Fallan, Fallen and Fallyn. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adaline▲, Adline, Aline▼, Amaline, Arline▼, Balbine (see Balbina), Calie, Calin, Calina, Calvine, Carine, Carline, Catline, Cauline, Celine▲, Ciline, Coline, Dalene, Davine, Deline, Erline, Evaline, Fabiane, Faina, Fantine, Farin, Farina, Faune, Felice, Felise, Fifine, Flana, Galina, Halie▼, Jadine, Jaine, Jalaine, Jalin, Jaline, Janine▼, Jaxine, Juline, Kalaine, Kalene▼, Kalie▼, Kalin, Kalina, Karline, Katline, Larine, Malina, Malinde, Maxine▼, Mazine, Meline, Narine, Oline, Paine, Raine, Rasine, Rayline, Sabine, Salina▼, Salinde, Sarine, Savine, Seline, Soline, Talie, Talina, Talise and Valina. These names tend to be more frequently used than Faline.