Home > Fidelia


What does Fidelia mean?

Fidelia Pronunciation of Fidelia as a name for girls is of Latin origin, and the name Fidelia means "loyalty". Fidelia is a version of Fidelity (Latin): Latin respelling of Faith.



VARIANTS Fidella, Fidela, Fideila, Fedila

RELATIONS VIA FIDELITY Fidele, Fidelina, Fidelita, Fidelma, Fidessa



Fidelia Andie (F.A.), ..

How popular is Fidelia?

Fidelia is a somewhat popular first name for women (#4062 out of 4276, Top 95%) but a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Fidelia reached its highest rank of #1329 in the U.S. during 1890-1899, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Fidelia name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Fidelia outside U.S.

Similar Names

Fidelia is alike in pronunciation to Fadila. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abelia, Adelia, Amelia, Angelia, Arcelia, Ardelia, Ardenia, Argelia, Audelia, Azelia, Bedelia, Bidella (see Bedelia), Camelia, Cecelia, Celia, Cerelia, Cieria, Clelia, Cordelia, Deelia, Emelia, Fadia, Fecelia, Fedelma, Federica, Felina, Felipa, Felisa, Feliz, Feliza, Fenella, Fiala, Fiesta, Filania, Filia, Filis, Fillida (see Phillida), Fillira, Finella, Finetta, Fiorella, Floella, Fynella, Gilia, Idalia, Kikelia, Kikylia (see Cecilia), Kodelia, Kordelia, Leelia, Lelia, Lilia, Migdalia, Nelia, Nidia, Nikolia, Odelia, Odilia, Odolia, Ofelia, Ophelia, Pamelia, Pelia, Roselia, Secelia, Seelia, Silia, Sirenia, Tiberia, Tinecia, Udelia (see Odele), Udilia, Vigilia and Vinetia (see Venetia). These names tend to be less commonly used than Fidelia.
