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♀ Fiona
What does Fiona mean?
Fiona ▲ as a girls' name is pronounced fee-OWN-ah. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Fiona is "white, fair". Latinate form of the Gaelic word "fionn". First used by James Macpherson (18th century), author of the Ossianic poems. It was later used by English author William Sharp under the pen-name Fiona Macleod for his romantic novels in the early 20th century. American musician Fiona Apple.
ASSOCIATED WITH scottish, gaelic, white, fair (beautiful), 18th century, novels (literary), 20th century (modern)
VARIANTS Fee, Ffion, Ffiona, Ffyona, Fione, Fionna, Fyona
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Fena, ..
(male) Fioan, ..
Fiona Serenity (F.S.), ..
How popular is Fiona?
Fiona is a very popular first name for females (#1927 out of 4276, Top 45%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Fiona was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its top rank of #180 in the U.S. in the year 2017, and is currently at #222. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Fiona▲ is pronounced similarly to Faina, Fania, Fanni, Fannia, Fanny▼, Fanya, Fauna, Faunia, Fawna, Fawnia, Fawnya, Fenia, Fenya and Fina. Other recommended sound-alike names are Anona, Arona, Bina, Briona, Ciana, Cliona, Deona, Diana▼, Digna, Dina▼, Diona, Dionna, Fiala, Fima, Finola, Fionola, Flora▼, Fronia, Giana, Gina▼, Ginna, Idona, Jiana, Jina, Jinna, Kina, Kiona, Kionna, Leona▼, Liana▲, Lina, Lona▼, Minna▼, Mirna, Mona▼, Nina▼, Oona, Rhona, Riana, Riona, Rona, Shiona, Shona, Siana, Siena▲, Signa, Simona, Sina, Teona, Tiona, Tionna, Tona, Viana, Viona, Virna, Wilona, Wina, Winona▼, Yona, Zina▼ and Zona▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Fiona.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]