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♀ Fyodora
What does Fyodora mean?
Fyodora as a name for girls is a Greek name, and the name Fyodora means "God's gift". Fyodora is an alternate spelling of Theodora (Greek): feminine of Theodore.
OTHER FORMS VIA THEODORA Teodora, Teodory, Todora
Fyodora Asha (F.A.), ..
How popular is Fyodora?
Fyodora is a rare given name for females. Fyodora is an equivalently rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Theodora (#1405 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Fedora and Teodora are the popular variation forms of Fyodora (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These forms of Fyodora were at the apex of their popularity a century ago (USAGE OF 0.01%) and are somewhat less popular today (USAGE 0.01%, 29.9% LESS). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Fyodora is alike in pronunciation to Fadora, Fyedora and Pheodora. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adora, Aldora, Amadora, Cyndra, Eldora▼, Eudora, Eydra, Faydra, Fedra, Feodosia, Fionola, Fiora, Flora▼, Fyona, Honora, Isadora▲, Isidora, Kyndra, Leodora, Leonora▼, Madora, Medora, Noora, Pandora, Sonora and Ysadora. These names tend to be more frequently used than Fyodora.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]