Home > Genivieve


What does Genivieve mean?

Genivieve Pronunciation of Genivieve as a name for girls is of French origin. Genivieve is an alternate form of Genevieve (French): possibly means "people, tribe, woman".



VARIANTS Geneveeve, Genavieve

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA GENEVIEVE Geneve, Genevie, Genivee, Genoveva, Jenevieve



Genivieve Maliya (G.M.), ..

How popular is Genivieve?

Genivieve is a rare first name for women. Genivieve is a rare surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent related forms of Genivieve (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Genevie, Genevieve (#172 LAST YEAR) and Genoveva. These relations of Genivieve were at the top of their popularity a century ago (USAGE OF 0.28%) and are now significantly less popular (USAGE 0.1%, 65%), with the version Genevieve becoming less fashionable. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Genevie, Genevieve, Genoveva in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Genivieve and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Genivieve is alike in pronunciation to Genavieve, Geneveeve, Genevieve, Jenavieve, Jenevieve and Jennavieve. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Genesies (see Genesis), Geneva, Geneve, Genever, Genevia, Genevie, Genevre, Genie, Genifer (see Jennifer), Geniffer, Genisia, Genisis, Genivee, Geniver, Genivra, Gennie, Gennivre, Genovefa, Genovera, Genoveva, Guenevere, Gueniver, Gwenevere and Gweniver. These names tend to be more commonly used than Genivieve.
