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♀ Germana
What does Germana mean?
Germana as a name for girls means "brother; from Germany". Germana is a variant form of Germaine (Latin, French): feminine of Germain.
OTHER FORMS VIA GERMAINE Germain, Germane, Germayn, Germayne, Jermain, Jermane, Jermayn, Jermayne
Germana Colette (G.C.), ..
How popular is Germana?
Germana is an unusual given name for females but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#68973 out of 150436, Top 46%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent variation form of Germana (NOT RANKED) is Germaine. Other forms, like Germane, are uncommon. This relation of Germana was favored as a birth name during the years 1920-1929 (#560), but now, Germaine has fallen out of fashion. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
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