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♀ Ghislaine
What does Ghislaine mean?
Ghislaine as a girls' name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Ghislaine is "pledge, hostage". Feminine of Ghislain (Latin Gislenus), the name of a saint, from Germanic gisil or gisel. May also be a revival of an Old French variation of Giselle.
Ghislaine Joy (G.J.), ..
How popular is Ghislaine?
Ghislaine is a somewhat popular first name for women (#4154 out of 4276, Top 97%) but a unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Giselle (#300 IN RECENT RANKINGS) is the only popular alternative form of Ghislaine (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of this relation of Ghislaine reached its peak in the year 2007 (#134) and has become significantly lower since (#300, 51.7% LESS USAGE). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Blaine, Charlaine, Charlayne, Charline▼, Charmaine▼, Chastine, Chrisanne, Chrisstine, Christaine, Christanne, Christine▼, Christline, Ciline, Cristine, Delaine, Elaine▼, Ellaine, Emiline, Gayline, Geraldine▼, Germaine▼, Ghilian, Ghiliane, Ghillian, Ghisele, Giannine, Gilana, Gillianne, Gillyanne, Gislaug, Gitane, Giulianne, Guillemine (see Wilhelmina), Helaine, Jalaine, Jasmaine, Jillaine, Jillane, Jillanne, Jolaine, Josline, Jossline, Julaine, Khristine, Krisanne, Kristaine, Kristaline, Kristine▼, Madelaine, Melaine, Nilsine, Philene, Phillane, Philline, Raelaine, Rhiane, Roselaine, Shaine, Shalaine, Shalane, Shamaine, Sharlaine, Sharline, Sharmaine, Shirine, Shirlene, Shirline, Sidaine, Silvaine, Tralaine, Trelaine, Violaine, Violeine (see Violet), Willamine and Willmine (see Wilhelmina). These names tend to be less commonly used than Ghislaine.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]