Home > Gianetta


What does Gianetta mean?

Gianetta Pronunciation of Gianetta as a name for girls is a Scottish name, and the meaning of the name Gianetta is "God is gracious". Gianetta is an alternate spelling of Gianina (Italian, Hebrew): feminine of John. Gianetta is also a form of Janet (Scottish): originally a contraction of Jane.


ASSOCIATED WITH scottish, gracious



OTHER FORMS VIA GIANINA, JANET Cinetta, Giannina, Ginette, Ginnette, Janeta, Janett, Janetta, Janette, Jenetta, Jinnett, Johnetta



Gianetta Celeste (G.C.), ..

How popular is Gianetta?

Gianetta is an uncommon given name for women. Gianetta is a unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent varying forms of Gianetta (NOT RANKED) are Janet (#1412 IN 2018), Janett, Janetta, Janette and Johnetta. Other forms, like Ginetta, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Gianetta was more pronounced among parents in the 1950s (USAGE OF 0.9%) and is now significantly lower. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Janet, Janett, Janetta, Janette, Johnetta in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Gianetta and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Gianetta is pronounced similarly to Jeanetta, Jeannetta, Jennetta and Jonetta. Other recommended sound-alike names are Agnetta, Anetta, Annetta, Arnetta, Bernetta, Birgetta (see Birgit), Brunetta, Claretta, Conetta, Danette, Dawnetta, Diantha, Dionetta, Francetta, Ganit, Garnette, Giacinta, Giana, Gianessa, Gianna, Gilette, Ginella, Gitta, Giuletta, Granata, Grenatta, Gretta, Gwenetta, Gwenette, Gwenita, Gwennetta, Gwineth, Gwinneth (see Gwyneth), Gwyneth, Juanetta, Kineta, Lanetta, Lanette, Lavetta, Linett, Linetta, Linnette, Lisbetta, Lunetta, Manette, Maretta, Minetta, Minette, Minnette, Nineta, Ninetta, Orangetta (see Orange), Ranitta, Raynetta, Reinetta, Renetta, Rilletta, Saletta, Shanetta, Valetta, Vanetta, Venetta, Vinetia (see Venetia), Vinetta, Vinette, Violetta, Waneeta, Wyanetta, Wyonetta (see Wyanet), Zaneta and Zanetta. These names tend to be more commonly used than Gianetta.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
