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♀ Ginella
What does Ginella mean?
Ginella as a girls' name is a Latin name, and the name Ginella means "maiden". Ginella is an alternate form of Virginia (Latin): the name was originally spelled Verginia.
RELATIONS VIA VIRGINIA Gina▼, Ginelle, Ginette, Gingia, Ginia, Ginya, Jenell, Jenella, Jenelle▼
Ginella Keilani (G.K.), ..
How popular is Ginella?
Ginella is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Ginella is also an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Ginella (NOT RANKED) are Gina (#1802 LAST YEAR), Jenell, Jenelle and Virginia (#540). Other forms, like Jenella, are uncommon. These relations of Ginella were at the peak of their popularity a century ago (MEDIAN #1387) and have become significantly less popular since. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Ginella is alike in pronunciation to Gianella, Janela, Janella, Janiella, Jinella, Johnella and Jonella. Other recommended sound-alike names are Agnella (see Agnes), Bidella (see Bedelia), Danella, Diella, Dinelle, Donella, Fenella, Fidella, Finella, Fynella, Gazella, Gemella, Gemelle, Ghisella, Ginebra, Ginetta, Ginevra, Gisela, Giselda, Gisella, Giselle, Gizela, Gizella, Gizelle▼, Grisella, Gunilla, Jinelle, Linell, Mikella, Mirella, Nanella, Onella, Reinella, Ronella, Shinella, Sibella and Vitella. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ginella.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]