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♀ Gloribel
What does Gloribel mean?
Gloribel as a girls' name is of Latin derivation, and Gloribel means "glory". Gloribel is an alternate form of Gloria (Latin).
VARIANT Gloribell
OTHER FORMS VIA GLORIA Glorea, Gloree, Glorey, Glori, Gloriana, Gloriane, Glorie
Gloribel Lillian (G.L.), ..
How popular is Gloribel?
Gloribel is an unusual first name for women. Gloribel is an uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent alternative form of Gloribel (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 is Gloria (#584 LAST YEAR). Adoption of this form of Gloribel was well-received in the 1940s (USAGE OF 0.7%) and has become much less since, with Gloria becoming less in vogue. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aeriel, Arabel, Ariel, Auriel, Avriel, Barbel, Bonnibel, Carabel, Cariel, Clarabel, Claribel, Corabel, Florie, Florine▼, Florise, Gabriel▼, Gabriela▼, Gabriele, Gabriell, Gabryel, Georgie▼, Georgine, Gerie, Gerrie, Glenice, Glenine, Glora, Gloreya, Glorianna, Glorianne, Glorra, Glorria, Glory, Glorya, Gloryan, Glynice, Gobinet, Gretel, Gricely, Grier, Grisel, Grissel, Grizel, Isobel, Jeriel, Jezibel, Katriel, Klarybel, Lauriel, Lorel, Loriel, Marabel, Maribel▼, Maricel, Maridel, Mariel▼, Marivel, Marybel, Meribel, Meridel, Meriel, Mirabel, Muriel▼, Orabel, Orbel, Oriel, Rosabel, Sibel, Sorel, Sorrel, Ysobel and Yzobel. These names tend to be more frequently used than Gloribel.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]