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♀ Gwenetta
What does Gwenetta mean?
Gwenetta as a name for girls is of Welsh derivation, and the meaning of Gwenetta is "white, fair". Gwenetta is a version of Gwyneth (Welsh): from the Welsh district name Gwynedd.
RELATIONS VIA GWYNETH Gweneth, Gwenette, Gwenisha, Gwenith, Gwenneth, Gwenyth, Gwineth
Gwenetta Jaylene (G.J.), ..
How popular is Gwenetta?
Gwenetta is an uncommon given name for females. Gwenetta is also a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Gwenyth (#1907 A YEAR AGO) and Gwyneth (#1289) are the popular alternative forms of Gwenetta (NOT RANKED) appearing in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Gwenneth, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Gwenetta reached its peak in the year 2013 and is somewhat less today. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Anetta, Annetta▼, Arnetta, Benetta, Bernetta, Cinetta, Conetta, Darnetta, Dawnetta, Dionetta, Donetta, Finetta, Garnette, Geeta, Geneesta, Genesia, Genessa, Genette, Geneva▼, Genevia, Genista, Gianetta, Ginetta, Ginette, Ginnette, Giuletta, Greeta, Grenata, Gretta, Gweneira, Gwenna, Gwennola (see Guinevere), Gwenora, Gwinneth (see Gwyneth), Gwinyth (see Gwyneth), Gwynda, Gwyneira, Gwynith (see Gwyneth), Gwynneth, Jaenette, Janetta, Jeanetta, Jenetta, Jenette, Johnetta, Jonetta, Juanetta, Kinetta, Lanetta, Leneta, Lenette, Leretta (see Loretta), Linetta, Lunetta, Lynetta, Marnetta, Minetta, Ninetta, Raynetta, Reinetta, Reneeta, Renetta, Renette, Rexetta, Shanetta, Twanette, Vannetta (see Vanessa), Vedetta (see Vedette), Venetia, Venetta, Vernetta, Vinetta, Vynetta, Wanetta and Zanetta. These names tend to be more commonly used than Gwenetta.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]