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♀ Hallie
What does Hallie mean?
Hallie as a girls' name (also used less generally as boys' name Hallie) is pronounced HAL-lee. Feminine of Henry; variant of Harriet; nickname of Halimeda and Haralda.
VARIANTS Hali▼, Halle▼, Halley, Halli
RELATED FORMS VIA HALIMEDA, HARALDA, HARRIET Halette, Hally, Harrie, Hatsee, Hatsie, Hattie▼
Hallie Joey (H.J.), ..
How popular is Hallie?
Hallie is a very popular first name for women (#928 out of 4276, Top 22%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Hallie reached its apex rank of #229 in the U.S. in the 1880s, and is at #460 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Hattie (#495 LAST YEAR), Halle (#895), Harriet (#1053), Hali, Halley and Henry are the prominent variation forms of Hallie (#460). Other forms, like Hatsee, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Hallie was at its apex in the 1880s (AVERAGE #986) and has become much diminished since (#1271, ▼90.1%), with forms such as Hali becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Hallie is pronounced similarly to Haeley, Haely, Hailea, Hailee, Hailey, Haillie, Halah, Halea, Haley▼, Halie▼, Hally, Haylee▼, Hayley▼, Haylie▼, Helia, Hellee, Hellia, Hillie, Hilly, Hollee, Holley, Holli▼, Hollie▼, Holly▼ and Hollye. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aillie, Cailie, Calie, Callee, Caylie, Dallis, Dollie▼, Hannie, Harlee▲, Harli, Harlie, Hatsie, Hill, Holle, Hollis, Huldie, Jullie, Kaelie, Kalie▼, Kallie▲, Karlie, Kaylie▼, Kayllie, Lallia, Lallie, Lillie▼, Lollie, Malfie, Malkie, Mellie▼, Millie, Mollie▼, Nellie▼, Paulie, Pollie, Salli, Sallie▼, Talie, Tallia, Tallie, Tillie▼, Vallee, Valli, Vallia, Vallrie (see Valerie), Wallie, Wallis, Willie▼, Yollie and Zailie. These names tend to be less commonly used than Hallie.