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♀ Helaine
What does Helaine mean?
Helaine as a name for girls is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Helaine is "sun ray". Helaine is a version of Elaine (Greek): French variant of Helen.
VARIANTS Hellene, Hellen▼, Helene▼, Heleen
OTHER FORMS VIA ELAINE, HELEN Alaina▲, Alayne, Aline▼, Allaine, Elaene, Elain, Elaina▲, Elaini, Elane, Elayne, Elladine, Ellaine, Ellane, Ellayne, Halina, Helaina, Helana, Heleena, Helena, Helenna, Helia, Hellena, Hellia, Laine, Nellie▼
Helaine Kenzi (H.K.), ..
How popular is Helaine?
Helaine is a somewhat popular first name for women (#3721 out of 4276, Top 87%) but a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Helaine was first listed in 1930-1939 and reached its top position of #1208 in the U.S. in the 1940s, but is not ranked currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Alaina (#202 LAST YEAR), Aline, Elaina (#272), Elaine (#634), Elayne, Helen (#413), Helena (#458), Helene, Hellen, Laine (#1966) and Nellie (#1071) are the popular variation forms of Helaine rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Helaine was more pronounced among parents during 1910-1919 (AVERAGE #976) and is now much reduced (#1251, DOWN 92%), with forms like Helen becoming less in vogue. Alaina and Elaina are two of the more fashionable names for newborns here.
Similar Names
Helaine is pronounced similarly to Jaline. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alaine, Blaine, Celine▲, Delaina, Delaine, Delainey, Delainy, Delane, Delayne, Delcine, Delfine, Deline, Delline, Delsine (see Dulce), Felmine, Helima, Helmina, Heloise, Hermine, Hilaire, Jalaine, Jeraine, Jolaine, Julaine, Kalaine, Leraine, Melaina, Melaine, Melainey, Meline, Melvine, Raelaine, Seline, Trelaine, Zelaina and Zeline. These names tend to be less frequently used than Helaine.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]