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♀ Heleanor
What does Heleanor mean?
Heleanor as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the name Heleanor means "other, foreign; sun ray". Heleanor is an alternate form of Eleanor (Old French, Old German). Heleanor is also a form of Helen (Greek).
VARIANTS Hellenor, Helenore
RELATIONS VIA ELEANOR, HELEN Aleanor, Alenor, Eileanoir, Elanor, Eleanora▲, Eleanore▼, Elenor, Eleonor, Elleanor, Elleanora, Ellenor, Elleonor, Helana, Heleen, Heleena, Helena, Helenann, Helene▼, Helenna, Helenora
Heleanor Joselyn (H.J.), ..
How popular is Heleanor?
Heleanor is an unusual given name for females. Heleanor is an equivalently unusual last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Heleanor (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Eleanor (#32 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Helen (#413), Helena (#458), Eleanora (#1035), Eleanore (#1918), Elenor and Helene. Usage of these relations of Heleanor was at its highest 108 years ago (MEDIAN #326) and has become much lower since (#1122, ▼89%), with versions such as Helene becoming somewhat outmoded. Eleanora is the most contemporarily stylish birth name among these. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Allinor (see Eleanor), Elinor▼, Ellinor, Gaenor, Haldana, Haldane, Haldanna (see Haldana), Halea, Hedlea (see Hadley), Heladia, Helaina, Helaine, Heledd, Heleentje, Helga, Helia, Hella, Hellen▼, Hellena, Hellene, Helma, Helmina, Helsa, Honor, Leanor, Leemor, Leeor, Lenor, Leonor, Lienor, Meleana and Nanor. These names tend to be more frequently used than Heleanor.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]