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♀ Honoria
What does Honoria mean?
Honoria as a girls' name is a Latin name, and Honoria means "woman of honor". Honoria is an alternate form of Honor (Latin): a virtue name. See also Onora
VARIANTS Onora, Honoree, Honorah, Honora, Anora, Annora
OTHER FORMS VIA HONOR Honorata, Honorine, Honour
Honoria Gabrielle (H.G.), ..
How popular is Honoria?
Honoria is an uncommonly occurring given name for females. Honoria is an equivalently unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Honor (#1919 LAST YEAR), Honora and Honorine are the prominent alternative forms of Honoria (NOT RANKED) rated in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Honour, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Honoria reached its highest 5 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.01%) and is almost as widespread today (ADOPTION 0.01%, ▼21%). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Honoria is pronounced similarly to Enora, Onnora and Onoria. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adoria, Andria▼, Cenobia, Concordia, Deloria, Doncia, Donia, Doria, Dorria, Eldoria (see Eldora), Floria, Gloria▼, Hadria, Hania, Hannia, Helodia, Hendrika, Henia, Henrie, Henrika, Hilaria, Honie, Honna, Horacia, Horatia, Ionia, Jonetia, Kendria, Kyndria, Lacoria, Latoria, Loria, Moria, Ohndria (see Andrea), Ondria, Onndria (see Andrea), Romonia, Sandria, Socaria, Sonia▼, Sonora, Tonia▼, Toolia, Toria, Valoria, Vitoria, Vonitia (see Venetia), Vonizia (see Venetia), Xandria, Zenobia and Zonia. These names tend to be more commonly used than Honoria.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]