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♀ Huette
What does Huette mean?
Huette as a girls' name is of Old French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Huette is "mind, intellect". Feminine of Hugh.
ASSOCIATED WITH mind (intelligent)
VARIANTS Huela, Huella, Huetta, Hugette, Hughette, Hughina, Hugina, Huguette, Ugetta
Huette Elizabeth (H.E.), ..
How popular is Huette?
Huette is an uncommonly occurring given name for women but a somewhat prominent surname for both adults and children (#98298 out of 150436, Top 65%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Huette has yet to make it into the list thus far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Huette is pronounced similarly to Utte, Wyette, Yette and Yuette. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alette, Anette, Arette, Bette▼, Brette, Evette, Grette, Halette, Hattie▼, Hatty, Heath, Heide, Hetta, Hette, Hettie▼, Hetty, Hittie, Hitty, Idette, Ivette▼, Jette, Joette, Julette, Junette, Lucette, Lunette, Lurette, Luzette, Mette, Musette, Odette, Olette, Orette, Ryette, Susette, Suzette▼ and Yvette▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Huette.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]