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♀ Ilana
What does Ilana mean?
Ilana as a girls' name is pronounced ee-LAHN-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ilana is "tree". A name given to girls born on the Jewish holiday "The New Year of the Trees".
ASSOCIATED WITH jewish (israeli)
VARIANTS Elana, Elanit, Eleana, Eleanna, Ilane, Ilania, Ilanit, Ileana, Ileanna, Iliana▲, Ilianna, Illa
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Irana, ..
(male) Ilin, ..
Ilana Arielle (I.A.), ..
How popular is Ilana?
Ilana is a somewhat popular first name for females (#2686 out of 4276, Top 63%) but a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Ilana entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its highest position of #1266 in the U.S. in 1992, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Ilana rated in the Top 2000 are Iliana (#884 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Elana (#1581), Ileana (#1928), Eila and Illa. These relations of Ilana were favored as baby names in 2007 (AVERAGE #1611) and are somewhat less popular today. Iliana has been the most prevalent.
Similar Names
Ilana is alike in pronunciation to Alana▲, Alanah, Alawna, Alaynna, Allana, Allina, Alona, Alwyna, Alyna, Alynah, Alyona, Elaina▲, Elainia, Elanna, Elayna▲, Eliana▲, Ellina, Ellona, Illiana, Ilonna, Olianna, Olina, Olinia, Wilona and Yllona. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adana, Aldana, Arlana, Avana, Chana▲, Dana▼, Deana▼, Diana▼, Dzana, Elkana, Flana, Flanna, Gana, Gilana, Hana▲, Helana, Iana, Idania, Ila▼, Ilaria, Ilean, Ileane, Ilene▼, Iliane, Ilima, Ilisa, Ilka, Illsa, Ilone, Ilonka, Ioana, Ioanah (see Ioanna), Ioanna, Iolanta, Iona▼, Irena, Ivana▲, Ivania, Kalana, Lana▲, Luana, Moana, Roana, Seana, Shana▼, Tana▼, Teana, Thana, Yana and Yoana. These names tend to be less frequently used than Ilana.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]