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♀ Ilisa
What does Ilisa mean?
Ilisa as a name for girls. The meaning of the name Ilisa is "God is my oath". Ilisa is an alternate form of Ilse (German, Hebrew): nickname of Elisabeth.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ILSE Ellsa, Elsa▼, Else, Illsa, Ilsa, Ilsae, Ilsaie
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Inisa, ..
(male) Ilil, ..
Ilisa Lyanna (I.L.), ..
How popular is Ilisa?
Ilisa is a rare given name for women. Ilisa is an equivalently rare surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Ilisa (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Elsa (#888 LAST YEAR), Else and Ilse. Other variants, like Ilsaie, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Ilisa was at its highest in 2014 (AVERAGE #1428) and is now significantly reduced (#1629, ▼72%), with the version Elsa falling out of fashion. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Ilisa is alike in pronunciation to Alaisa, Aleesa, Alessa, Alisa▼, Alisah, Alissa▼, Allisah, Allissa, Aloisa, Alyza, Elissa, Elissia, Elizah, Eloisa, Elysa, Elyssa▼, Elyza, Illissa, Illyssa, Ilysah, Oleesa, Oleisa, Olisa, Ulissa and Ulyssa. Other recommended sound-alike names are Amisa, Anisa▼, Ayisa, Delisa, Elssa, Felisa, Gisa, Helisa, Idelisa, Idina, Ihisha, Ila▼, Ilana, Ilena, Ili, Ilima, Ilise, Ilka, Illa, Illia, Ilona, Ilyse, Ilysia, Iniga, Irida, Irina, Iris▲, Irisa, Irisha, Irita, Isa, Isis▼, Jalisa▼, Jelisa, Jolisa, Julisa▼, Kalisa, Leisa▼, Lisa▼, Lluisa, Luisa▲, Maisa, Melisa▼, Raisa, Risa, Taisa, Talisa, Telisa, Tisa and Trisa. These names tend to be more frequently used than Ilisa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]