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♀ Illeana
What does Illeana mean?
Illeana as a name for girls is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of Illeana is "Trojan". Illeana is a version of Iliana (Greek).
VARIANTS Illionya, Illianna, Illiana, Illeanna
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ILIANA Ileana, Ileane, Ileanna, Ileanne, Illia
Illeana Paulina (I.P.), ..
How popular is Illeana?
Illeana is a rare given name for women. Illeana is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Ileana (#1928 IN RECENT RANKINGS) and Iliana (#884) are the prominent alternative forms of Illeana (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. These forms of Illeana reached the peak of their popularity 11 years ago (USAGE OF 0.03%) and are almost as popular today (USAGE 0.02%, DOWN 17.2%). Iliana is the most contemporarily stylish girl name here. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Illeana is pronounced similarly to Aleana, Aleena▲, Alena▲, Aliana▲, Aliena, Allana, Alleynah, Allona, Allyna, Eilena, Eleana, Eliana▲, Ellena, Elyana, Ilana, Ilania, Ilianna, Illona, Ilonna, Iolana, Iolani, Olena, Oliana, Yelena and Yllona. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aldana, Alldina (see Alida), Alvena, Alzeena, Arleana, Arleena, Breeana, Caleena, Celeena, Cleona, Collena, Coreana (see Corinna), Dalena, Dilliana, Dylana, Elkana, Galiana, Gleana, Glenna▼, Helana, Heleena, Helenna, Ilane, Ilean, Ileen, Ileene, Ilene▼, Iliane, Illa, Illeanne, Illene, Ioana, Iolanda, Iriana, Jadeana, Jiliana, Jilliana, Jolena, Julyana, Keana▼, Keeana, Melana, Meleana, Meleena, Milena▲, Selenna, Silvana, Sylvana, Tylena and Zelleana. These names tend to be more commonly used than Illeana.