Home > Inah


What does Inah mean?

Inah Pronunciation of Inah as a girls' name is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of Inah is "pure, holy". Inah is a variant form of Agnes (Greek).


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, pure (virgin)


VARIANTS Unah, Una, Oonah, Oonagh, Oona, Ina, Annais, Anais, Ainah

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA AGNES Agna, Agnah, Anis, Ines, Inez, Ynes, Ynez



Inah Ariah (I.A.), ..

How popular is Inah?

Inah is an uncommon given name for females. Inah is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Anais (#848 IN 2018), Agnes (#1204), Ines (#1678), Anis, Ina, Inez, Oona and Una are the popular varying forms of Inah (NOT IN TOP 2000). Other forms, like Ainah, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Inah was at its apex a century ago (ADOPTION OF 0.95%) and has become much reduced since (ADOPTION 0.04%, 96% LESS). Anais is the longstanding favorite, while forms like Agnes used to be popular. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Agnes, Anais, Anis, Ina, Ines in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Inez, Oona, Una in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Agnes, Ines, Inez outside U.S.

Similar Names

Inah is pronounced similarly to Aina, Ana, Ania, Anny, Anya, Eena, Ena, Euna, Iana, Ianna, Inaya, Inya, Ioana, Ioannah, Iona, Ionia, Ionya, Iynaia, Oni, Onie, Unagh, Yana, Yoanah, Yona and Yonah. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adah, Alah, Avah, Beah, Binah, Danah, Denah, Dinah, Dynah, Ednah, Elah, Evah, Ganah, Hanah, Ida, Idonah (see Idona), Ila, Ima, Iman, Inda, Indu, Inga, Inge, Ira, Isa, Ita, Iva, Janah, Kiah, Lanah, Leah, Lenah, Linah, Lynah, Miah, Monah, Niah, Nonah, Nyah, Orah, Rinah and Tinah. These names tend to be more frequently used than Inah.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
