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♀ Ines (girl)
What does Ines mean?
Ines as a girls' name (also used less regularly as boys' name Ines) is a Greek name, and the meaning of the name Ines is "pure, holy; island; chaste". Ines is an alternate form of Agnes (Greek). Ines is also a derivative of Inez (Spanish, Latin). Ines is also used as a variation of Innes (Scottish, Gaelic), and a variation of Ynez (French, Spanish).
VARIANTS Inness, Annise, Annis, Anniesse, Annice, Anneyce, Anise, Anis
RELATIONS VIA AGNES, INEZ, INNES, YNEZ Agneis, Agnese, Agness, Agnus, Anais▲, Anessa, Annest, Ina▼, Inah, Inesita, Inessa, Inetta, Nesi, Una▼, Unah, Ynes
Ines Lizbeth (I.L.), ..
How popular is Ines?
Ines is a very popular first name for females (#976 out of 4276, Top 23%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#22949 out of 150436, Top 15%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Ines reached its highest rank of #782 in the U.S. in the 1910s, and is at #1678 currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Ines (#1678 VIA LATEST LIST) are Agnes (#1204), Agness, Anais (#848), Anessa, Anis, Annice, Annis, Ina, Inez and Una. Other forms, like Agnese, are uncommon. These forms of Ines were favored a century ago (ADOPTION OF 0.96%) and have become much less conventional since (ADOPTION 0.04%, ▼96%), with versions such as Una becoming less fashionable. Anais is more familiar than the rest.
Similar Names
Ines is pronounced similarly to Aneese, Annus, Annys, Ennis, Innis and Uniss. Other recommended sound-alike names are Annes, Inda, Indee, Indu, Inga▼, Inge, Inger, Inya, Ione▼, Iren, Iris▲, Isis▼, Ivee, Ivey and Lies. These names tend to be less commonly used than Ines.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]