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♀ Inessa
What does Inessa mean?
Inessa as a name for girls is a Greek name, and the name Inessa means "pure, holy". Inessa is a variant form of Agnes (Greek). Inessa is also a form of Inez (Spanish, Latin).
VARIANTS Annisah, Annisa, Anissa▼, Anessa
RELATED FORMS VIA AGNES, INEZ Agness, Agnessa, Agnesse, Ina▼, Ines, Inesita, Inetta, Nessa, Nessah, Nessy, Nesta, Nevsa, Neysa, Ynes, Ynesita
Inessa Anneliese (I.A.), ..
How popular is Inessa?
Inessa is an unusual first name for women. Inessa is an uncommon last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Agnes (#1204 VIA LATEST LIST), Agness, Anessa, Anissa (#1825), Ina, Ines (#1678) and Inez are the popular alternative forms of Inessa (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. Usage of these relations of Inessa was more pronounced 128 years ago (AVERAGE #961) and has become significantly reduced since (#1815, ▼97%), with forms such as Ina becoming less fashionable. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Inessa is alike in pronunciation to Anisa▼, Annissa and Anyssa. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alessa, Arnessa, Chessa, Cressa, Danessa, Dessa, Genessa, Ieesha, Iesha▼, Ilissa, Ilyssa, Inga▼, Iniga, Innes, Inness, Innga, Innis, Janessa, Jenessa, Jessa, Jinessa, Jonessa, Lanessa, Lynessa, Odessa▼, Ranessa, Tessa▲, Tressa, Vanessa▼, Venessa▼, Vinessa and Vonessa (see Vanessa). These names tend to be more frequently used than Inessa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]