Home > Jacqui


What does Jacqui mean?

Jacqui Pronunciation of Jacqui as a girls' name is a version of Jackie: diminutive and contraction of Jacqueline.



VARIANTS Jacquie, Jacquey, Jacqi, Jacky, Jacki, Jackey, Jackee

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA JACKIE, JACQUELINE Jacalin, Jacklin, Jaclin, Jaclyn, Jacqlyn, Jacque, Jacquel, Jacquelin, Jacquine, Jaquith



Jacqui Amora (J.A.), ..

How popular is Jacqui?

Jacqui is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#3883 out of 4276, Top 91%) but an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Popular alternative forms of Jacqui (NOT RANKED) are Jacki, Jackie, Jaclyn (#1499 FROM RECENT DATA), Jacque, Jacquelin, Jacqueline (#339) and Jacquie. Other forms, like Jacklin, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Jacqui reached its most widespread 6 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 0.6%) and is now much diminished (ADOPTION 0.1%, DOWN 90%). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jacki, Jackie, Jaclyn, Jacque, Jacquelin in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jacqueline, Jacquie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Jacqui and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Jacqui is pronounced similarly to Jackee, Jackey, Jacki, Jackie, Jacky, Jacqi, Jacquey and Jacquie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Jacalin, Jacee, Jacenia, Jacey, Jaci, Jacie, Jacine, Jacklin, Jaclin, Jaclyn, Jacoba, Jacodi, Jacqlyn, Jacque, Jacquel, Jacquelin, Jacquine, Jacy, Jaimi, Jamari, Jamei, Jami, Janai, Janique, Jaquith, Jayni, Joci, Joquil, Marqui, Vicqui and Viqui. These names tend to be less frequently used than Jacqui.
