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♀ Jacyntha
What does Jacyntha mean?
Jacyntha as a girls' name is an alternate form of Jacinda (Spanish, Greek): variant spelling of Hyacinth.
VARIANT Jacynthia
OTHER FORMS VIA JACINDA Giacintha, Jacenda, Jacenia, Jacenta, Jacindia, Jacinna, Jacinta, Jacinth, Jacintha, Jacinthe, Jacinthia, Jacynth, Jacynthe
Jacyntha Avalon (J.A.), ..
How popular is Jacyntha?
Jacyntha is a rare first name for women. Jacyntha is a rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Jacyntha (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Jacinda and Jacinta. Adoption of these relations of Jacyntha was at its apex 5 decades ago. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Jacyntha is alike in pronunciation to Giacintha, Jacynthia and Jiacintha. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Calantha, Cyntha, Hyacintha, Iantha, Jacenda, Jacenia, Jacenta, Jacinda, Jacindia, Jacinna (see Jacinda), Jacinta, Jacinth, Jacintha, Jacinthe, Jacinthia, Jacketta, Jaconda, Jacynth, Jacynthe, Janthia, Jayna, Jocinta, Jolantha, Kalantha, Samantha▼, Samentha, Syntha, Tabytha, Tacitha, Xantha, Yacinta (see Giacinta), Yacintha and Zantha. These names tend to be more commonly used than Jacyntha.